The Eotena Onslaught Fan Page!

This is a page about a very cool asian Cartoon called "The Eotena Onslaught"

It is by far my most fav cartoon because of the good quality animation and dialogue. It is a very nice show it is in Europe with Europe buildings and Europe people and has big monsters that attack called "Eotena". No body knows where the Eotena came from but they try to eat humanity! Oh no, this is very bad because humans are good peoples. This is the biggest Eoten its bigger than the walls that protect the humans!!


As you can see, Eoten are very scary XDD And this is protagonist Eren Jagger:

Pleose dont tell anyomne, but he is a TITAN! Yeah surprising right? I would have never thought it D:

If you want to see it than head over to Commie Subs! They have the best subs available for this amazing show!

Have fun!